Ticket Fast Boat
Angel Billabong Fast Boat From Sanur to Nusa Penida
Start From
IDR 100.000
IDR 75.000
Golden Queen Fast Boat From Padang Bai to Gili T. & Bangsal/Lombok
Start From
IDR 200.000
IDR 150.000
Sanjaya Fast Boat From Sanur to Nusa Penida
Start From
IDR 150.000
IDR 100.000
D'Camel Fast Ferry from Sanur to Nusa Lembongan
Start From
IDR 200.000
IDR 125.000
Eka Jaya Fast Ferry from Padang Bay to Nusa Gili island & Lombok
Start From
IDR 200.000
IDR 185.000
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