Dolphin Watching Boat Tickets in Lovina
Anturan, Lovina Kec. Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali
up to 1 day
Group Size
10 people

Lovina Beach

The Lovina area is famous as a place to watch dolphin shows. You can immediately witness the cute and friendly behavior of the dolphins right in the middle of the sea. Of course this will be an interesting holiday experience for you.

To be able to see the attractions of the dolphins, you have to leave early in the morning when the sun will rise. Why? Because the dolphins in this area only appear between 6 am to 10 am. At that hour, dozens of dolphins will naturally show their activities. Some are just swimming on the surface of the water, some are jumping around. Of course this will amaze you with the beauty of these marine animals.

Usually the tourists have gathered on the beach at around 5.30 WITA to leave for the middle of the sea. The boat will take you about one to two kilometers out to sea to where the dolphins usually appear.

Dolphin Sharing Boat

  • Adult IDR 100.000
    IDR 80,000
  • Child (3-7 year) IDR 80.000
    IDR 50,000

Dolphin Pravite Boat

  • 1  - 3  person IDR 400.000
  • 4 - 6 person IDR  450.000
  • Experienced Boat & Captain Boat
  • Lifejacket / Buoy
  • Snorkeling Equipment when booking Snorkeling
  • Free Visit Lovina Marine Park / feeding fish
  • Dolphin viewing duration – + 2 hours
Start From
IDR 100.000
IDR 50.000
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